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The CDC recently released breastfeeding data from the latest National Immunization Survey (NIS) for babies born in 2014. 

Please keep in mind that state sample sizes are small (231 in Kansas) so state data confidence intervals are wide (6-7% for KS). While some changes at the state level appear to be large, up or down, none of the changes from last year are statistically significant. Also, keep in mind that these are rates for babies born in 2014, so more recent work in improving support for breastfeeding will not be reflected in these new estimates. Visit this link for more details:  https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/data/nis_data/rates-any-exclusive-bf-state-2014.htm

Call to Action –We must continue building communities supportive of breastfeeding across all sectors, strengthening collaborations and finding new partners.