Home > KBC Sections Update – August 2021

Child Care:

  • A group was convened to discuss the possibility of completed a research project to determine the current breastfeeding perceptions of child care programs in Kansas.
  • Pennsylvania received permission to adapt the Kansas Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Toolkit.
  • The toolkit was referenced as a resource in the New Jersey report titled “Breastfeeding Babies Are Welcome Here: Creating Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care in New Jersey.” 
  • The toolkit was referenced in a Nemour’s Children’s Health System technical assistance brief on How Child Care Stabilization Grants Can Improve Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
  • The Section provided in put on the KBC Checklist: Early Childhood Systems Support for Breastfeeding that was shared with Early Childhood Recommendations Panel. 
  • Child Care Aware® of Kansas is promoting the Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation by offering Amazon gift cards for the first 30 approved applications. 


The hospital section has discussed the Perinatal Core Measures that hospitals have to submit for CART/Quality. High 5 for Mom & Baby has practice sheets to provide hospitals with strategies to sustain the Ten Practices for Baby-Friendly. High 5 also has implemented some free training modules on KS Train. These modules are free. This allows the training to be available to everyone. Facilities/students do not have to take every class but can choose what they need education in. We also have discussed the Color-Filled Breastfeeding Clinical Lactation Training Program which would allow facilities to help prospective IBCLCs with obtaining lactation hours in a variety of settings.

Local Breastfeeding Coalitions:

  • We met on May 13th & July 8th.
  • Carmen Valverde shared about the NEW Lactancia Latina of SW KS & Jennie Toland shared the journey of the Ford County Breastfeeding Coalition (recording of Jennie’s presentation on the Tools for Coalition page).
  • Members shared what was happening in their Coalitions, as we helped each other.
  • We were reminded of the Lactation Education Support grant availability.
  • We provided input to the NEW Employer Report to help coalitions work with area employers.
  • Our next meeting will be Thursday September 16th from 12p-1pm, featuring returning champion speaker – Greg Meissen

Public Health:

The Public Health Section worked hard in the month of June to complete the Employer Report.The report is targeted to HR and Executives to help them support and accommodate breastfeeding employees. The report will launch on August 2nd along with the State of Breastfeeding Report. The Public Health Section meets the second Tuesday of odd months at 11 AM. Join us on for our next meeting on August 12th. Please reach out to Danielle.Ast@wichita.edu if you have any questions.

Community Supporting Breastfeeding:

Began meeting in June 2021 with a discussion of the Section’s purpose and goals – to support communities to achieve the Community Supporting Breastfeeding Designation (original and Plus).  The July meeting focused on the Breastfeeding Welcome Here criteria.  Future meetings will look at other criteria.  The Section plans to create short videos with tips and tools for each of the criteria. 

The CSB Section meets monthly on the 3rd Monday of each month from 1-2 pm. Contact Janet Colson, Chair, at Janet.colson@modernlactation.com to join.