Home > Local Breastfeeding Support Directory

Have you checked out our Local Resource Directory lately? We are proud to feature 263 total local resources across the state. We have had a good sweep of obtaining information about lactation support across Kansas to include in our resources but it is important to look over what is listed in your local area in order to properly feature all the wonderful breastfeeding support that is available to moms close to you. Your local breastfeeding coalition will know best who and what support is out there as some of the information is not always freely shared across the web. We know that there are many IBCLCs and CLCs that are certified across the state but not always listed as resources within healthcare facilities. Make sure to get the word out so that new mothers know where to seek educated support! When updating our resource directory, it is best to email changes and additions only so that those updates happen quickly. If a brochure or resource page is shared, every detail has to be double checked before going into the directory. We hope that you are finding it easy to use this Local Resource Directory in your area. If your local coalition has anything to add or has an idea to improve our listings, be sure to contact the manager of the resources, Julie Fields (juliefieldslc@gmail.com). We are unable to prioritize listings. The format of the site lists the resources closest to the location entered at the top of the page.