Home > Store Locator > Stormont Vail Regional Health Care Breastfeeding Center

Amy Calhoun, LPN, IBCLC

Bethany Golden, BSN, IBCLC

Debra Gottschalk, BSN, IBCLC

Laura Odum, RN, IBCLC, laodom@stormontvail.org 

Elizabeth Rosen, PhD, BSN, IBCLC


Open Clinic Hours

Weekdays, 10 a.m. to noon

Saturdays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Breastfeeding Basics Class – if interested, visit stormontvail.org or call 785-354-5225 to register

Pumping for Your Baby (online class)

Breastfeeding clinic has nursing bras, pumps, slings etc. for sale.